Music Type Modifier V2 (by C.Guru) 81014584 2008 81014586 ???? Windy 0201 - drums and strings play only 0200 - strings play only (my favourite) 0015 - bull fish area music type 0014 - nylon and strings 0013 - strings and muted trumpets 0008 - only clarinets 0018 - nylon and clarinets 0028 - something and clarinets 0004 - acoustic bass 0208 - strings and clarinets play only 021D - strings, clarinets, and bull fish area music type 0300 - nothing 0000 - nothing FFFF - everything TGMPoo 0000 - nothing 0008 - drums 0010 - timpani 0018 - drums and timpani multiplayer Heist 0000 - nothing 0001 - drums 0006 - sax 0008 - heist trumpet 1 0018 - heist trumpet 1 & 2 0020 - something 0200 - acoustic bass? 0800 - trumpets 2000 - electric piano A000 - Jugga 0000 - nothing 0001 - strings 1 0008 - strings 2 0009 - strings 1 & 2 000C - strings 2 & 3 000D - strings 1, 2 & 3 000F - everything Don Weaso 0000 - nothing 0004 - kazoo 0080 - cello Pub(cock and plucker) 001F - everything(excluding the wind outside and squirrel soldier babble) wind and thunder 001F - only winds, no thunder credits 014F - everything. No winds or thunder